03 Feb WEEK-06 /FRENCH STRIKE 06th -and 07th // CoronaVirus Info
French national and ATC industrial actions on February 6th and 7th
– Due to a national inter-professional social movement relayed in ATC for the 6th of February, disturbances may impact French ATS, AIS and COM services from Wednesday 5th of February 1800 UTC to Friday 7th of February 0530 UTC. Refer to NOTAM F0150/20
– Due to another call for strike specific to French ATC for the 7th of February, disturbances may impact French ATS, AIS and COM services from Friday 7th of February 0530 UTC to Saturday 8th of February 0530 UTC.Refer to NOTAM F0151/20
A DSNA conference call will be organized in the beginning of next week for further details on these two calls for strike.
NMOC Brussels
CoronaVirus information
NM is continuously monitoring the situation related to the Novel CoronaVirus (nCoV-2019).
EACCC is in close coordination with its State Focal points. Latest EACCC nCoV Factsheet (v. 1.7) is available on the NOP protected Headline News.
The Factsheet will be regularly updated.
We invite also all airspace users to check all relevant NOTAMs on the subject.
Please see the latest NOTAMs in regards to the Italian airspace A0646/20 and A0661/20
Please also see the latest NOTAM from Israel A0347/20
Please find attached the latest EACCC PANDEMICS 2019 Factsheet (v1.7) on the novel CoronaVirus
NMOC Brussels
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