From 5 November 2019, Malaga airport starts to operate as a CDM airport with a trial period. The system is supposed to be fully implemented at the beginning of the 2020.
This system in Spain is installed at the present in Palma, Barcelona and Madrid airport.
A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making) is part of an european program which try to get an improvement in the quality of the airspace and airport operations. For this reason, the ATC, the airlines, the ground handlers and the operators must work together coordinating the arrival, turn-around and departure of the aircrafts in real time.
In order to know the CDM system, we should know these concepts:
- A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making)
- TOBT (Target Off Blocks Time): It is the time when the airline estimated that aircraft will be ready to depart. The flight plan information must be updated +/- 15 minutes according to the TOBT.
- TSAT (Target Start-up Approval Time): It is issued by the ATC 30 minutes before the TOBT. The airlines or the handling agents are in charge of communicating the TSAT to the captain.
- CTOT (Calculated Take-Off Time)
use this linkf from eurocontrol to don’t mixed the letters.
If the flight plan has a regulation (CTOT), the TOBT must be updated according to the estimated Off Blocks Time if the CTOT is removed.
The crew can request start up 15 minutes before the TOBT and 15 minutes after the TSAT.
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